Insurance Agent Negligence Claims
The failure to obtain or procure the insurance you requested can cost you greatly in your time of need. Insurance agents hold themselves out as experts in the field of insurance. They are licensed by their state and trained in the products they sell to their clients. Their clients rely on the advice and expertise of the insurance agent selling them insurance products. Therefore, when they make a mistake they should be held to a higher standard. If the failure to obtain or procure a requested insurance coverage was made by the insurance agent and you are left without insurance, your only line of recovery will be against the agent to whom you employed to obtain the specified coverage.
If the failure to obtain proper coverage was the fault of your insurance agent, then you can file a claim against the insurance for the amount of the losses the insurance you requested would have covered. The Berniard Law Firm’s attorneys have a great deal of experience in suing insurance agents on behalf of their devastated clients after Hurricane Katrina. These cases involved special expertise that only experience can bring.
Insurance law can be incredibly complex and subject to many different regulations depending on the insurance coverage in question. We are practiced in handling claims arising out of many different coverage areas. Insurance agents are subject to different requirements of conduct depending on their license, the type of insurance coverage, and the insurance company they are representing. Insurance agents have an implied duty to their client. However, insurance agent negligence is often connected to negligence by the insurance company issuing the policy. The insurance company issuing the policy has the ability to review the records of the applications submitted by its agents. Mistakes by its insurance agents are often caught by the insurance company in this process. However, due to the type of mistake made or the the lack of review by the insurer or another factor, the negligence may still occur.
Claims of insurance agent negligence are often intertwined with an insurance coverage dispute against the insurer. Our attorneys are prepared to file lawsuits against your insurance agent for any losses that are due to their neglect, misrepresentations, and omissions in explaining the coverage. The Berniard Law Firm has filed lawsuits against insurance agents for a variety of reasons, including: failure to procure the requested coverage, failure to obtain insurance coverage, misrepresentation, failure to properly advise clients of coverage, and other errors and omissions committed by the agents.
When you seek the advice and guidance of an insurance agent, you should be able to be at peace with any insurance products you purchase from them. Insurance agents are required to be licensed by the state and often are required to complete continuing education. Insurance companies have a variety of requirements for the insurance agents selling their products. They also have a great interest in their agents being responsible representatives of their products. Insurance companies face a great deal of regulation from the states regarding their products and sales practices. In a case of insurance agent negligence claims, the insurance company often proves to be a valuable resource and ally for you, the insured.
Individuals should be able to place their trusts in those who hold themselves to experts. When you purchase an insurance policy, you are making a responsible purchase and have done your due diligence in researching coverage. You expect your insurance agent to be able to answer any questions to your satisfaction. You expect your agent to be able to provide sound advice and suggest insurance products which are appropriate for your specific needs and your financial condition. We want to work with you to determine how any negligence by your insurance agent occurred. Those in a position of expertise should be held to a higher standard and we will work hard on your behalf to hold the negligent insurance agent to their word.